Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Title Of Our Thriller

Our final title for our thriller is: Solemn. We created a brainstorm which led to this idea. We decided that it couldn't be too long because we wanted it to be spelt using children's building blocks which related to our thriller. Therefore we decided it should be one word. After coming up with a few ideas we realised that most of our ideas for the title began with 'S' so we decided to stick with the 'S' sound for our thriller title.
Eventually we came up with the title 'Solemn'. This was chosen because Maisie used this word while recording our Storyboard and it wasn't what we rehearsed so we were slightly taken aback by the choice of words she used. We used a Dictionary and Thesaurus to check that the name was appropriate and that it meant what we thought it meant - 'serious, gloomy, sacred and grevely impressive'.

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