Friday, February 3, 2012

Prelim Description & Storyboard

We filmed our prelim on Friday 27th January during a media lesson. We had an hour to gather the footage for the prelim. We used Maisie’s own JVC camera. This was good because we knew how to use it more than the school ones. It was also more advanced and had HD. It was also good at blocking out background noise, although it was a bit fuzzy, so we decided to put background music over the footage. We also used a tripod to ensure that the shots were steady and straight. We decided to film in the i-block corridor. We made sure that we filmed during lesson time so we wouldn’t be interrupted by people passing by. We brainstormed our idea of our short story and created a storyboard to go with this.

We decided to have Maisie walking through the corridor, opening the door and then sitting down opposite Megan to share some dialogue. We used match on action when Maisie opened the door to show our editing skills. We also used shot reverse shot and the 180 degree rule during the dialogue.
We faced some problems whilst filming our prelim. Firstly, with the filming, we picked a location which we thought would be quite quiet so we wouldn’t be interrupted, however we still experienced quite a few teachers and students walking by especially in the corridor scene because the door was shut so they didn’t realise they’d interrupted until it was too late. Also, when we changed scene from the dialogue to Maisie’s exit, the lighting changed significantly and it almost looked like they were in completely different locations. This is something that we have to think about when filming our Thriller. On top of this, we struggled to use the editing software in school and although we get better at using it through time, we decided to use Scarlett’s own editing programme as it is more advanced and we know how to use that better.

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