Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Demographics & Psychographics

When creating a film you must define your audience and know who you are targeting it at. Demographics and Psychographics can help find a target audience for films as they can put people in to categories so it is easier to know who to aim the film at.

Statistical information that can be categorized and labelled:
Social Grade
Working Status
Occupation & Industry
Marital Status
Prescence of Children
Househould Tenure

How the target market feels, what they want and what is important to them:
Survivors - Those that want security and like routine
Social Climbers - Those who have strong materialistic drive and like status symbols
Care Givers - Those who believe in caring and sharing
Explorers - For people whom personal growth and influencing social change are important

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs:
Maslow's theory was that everyone has different layers and we must satisfy one before moving on to the next. We all start at the bottom and make our way up to the top, however not everyone reaches the top and is happy settling at one of the lower layers.

Self Actualisation: The need to become what you want to become, get what you want and achieve your dreams
Esteem: Being confident, respected and admired by others.
Social: Belonging to a part of a group.
Safety: Having financial safety and a job.
Physiological: Happy to have food, a home etc.

Going to the cinema is a middle-class, social activity so we have decided to aim our thriller at 'social' people. This is because we want people in big groups to come and watch the thriller at the cinema for a night out as we believe these are the type of people who would enjoy it the most. We are aiming our thriller at both male and female, teenagers and adults as we aim to rate the film a 15. Generally our target audience is people who are unmarried, are not in the prescence of children, have a good education and a job. However this is generalised and not all of our audience will have each quality.

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