How does your media product represent particular social groups?
When coming up with the ideas for our thriller and the characters that are in it, we decided as a group very quickly that we would like to focus on a child and have the thriller from the child's perspective. We decided this as the young character represents purity and innocence that we wanted to enhance this in any way we could. We research different films that had the child as the main character and realised that the one to focus on would be 'Orphan'.
The similar ideas that influenced our character's appearance was the hair in side bunches. We used this to show the young age of the character and showing that would increase the effectiveness of the thriller. Other similarities include the dark make up around the eyes- on the 'Orphan' image the eyes are dark and the eyes darkened but not as heavily as ours. In our image the eyes were darkened and bruised to show the physical effect of the car crash.
A difference that we wanted to show was the eyes, at first in our thriller, the eyes are normal, however the eyes in the picture of 'Orphan' are very dark- almost black. The black could represent the evil, mystery or even death being a very negative colour. We first considered using black contacts on the character, but then decided that the red would stand out more if at the end of the 2 minutes, and would therefore raise more questions that could be answered if the thriller carried on.
The pale skin on the 'Orphan' character is similar to ours, giving them a purer look and increasing their innocence and child- like image.
By using white clothes (as explained in the costume post) we went against the 'Orphan' image of using the dark red/black colours. We done this as we thought it took away from the pure look creating a harsher and darker character. We didn't do this as we wanted to keep the light look to out character so that when she changed evil there would be more shock from the audience.